Monday, April 13, 2009

We're having a Little
We are all so excited,

especially soon to be Big Sister Ashby!

Feel free to share cute girlie name suggestions. :)

20 Week Baby Bump

Easter Weekend at Grandparents Loveless Part 3

April 11th
My brother Jared and his fun wife Stacy also decided to spend Easter weekend at Mom and Dad's and they brought the fun. Meaning the brought a Wii and a WiiFit! Everyone took turns including Ashby.
Her favorite seems to be the free run. You run following your "trainer" and part way through have the option to chase a puppy. She really like trying to catch the cute puppies!
Also on Saturday Grandma, Ashby and I did some fun crafts.
Bunny CupCakes
My Great-Grandma's recipe. She made them every Easter. At least until she was like 90 years old. She was a very talented woman and made everything beautiful including these sweet little Easter treats.

I'd never made them before. Thanks Mom for doing them with us! Let's do it agin next year! Ashby and I really had fun. Ashby's bunny faces can only improve from here right? ( you use food coloring and a toothpick on the marshmellows to make the face and Ashby's looked more like the bunnies had been shot....ewww. Don't worry, she ate all of the evidence). I guess we'll work on our smiley faces.

The grass is coconut dyed green! And my Great-Grandma came up with this cute idea without the websites I would have needed today.

Mom helped Ashby to creat a "swirl" or "no wind" kite. It was just out of paper, stick and string with color love by Ashby. It didn't take long and provided lots of smiley fun!

Daddy-Daughter Non-Date

So while Michelle and I went dress shopping (see post below) Ryan was kind enough to watch Ashby. He actually was really cute and told her how excited he was to go on a "Daddy-Daughter-Date" with her. And our silly, sweet little Ashby completely objected. She wanted to go with Daddy to the Mall, but definitely not on a date! I guess maybe she just wants to wait until she is 16 for one of those date thingys.

When we caught up with them Ashby and Daddy shared that they had lots of fun! Daddy even let Asbhy choose her very own nail polish! She chose purple!

Later at home, Daddy completely wowed and amazed up all by painting her nails as soon as we all got home!

Easter Weekend at Grandparents Loveless Part 2

April 10th
My youngest sister Michelle asked me about 2 months ago if I'd go dress shopping with her. Just for fun. So I thought....Michelle, shopping, fun. Those are all things I like. So sure, let's go

We don't live super close and only go up to North Ogden to visit Michelle and my parents about 1.5 times a month. And those are normally quite full, fun and busy visits. So's taken me a while.
She kept asking and reminding me about going because, yes, I am pregnant and will get bigger before I get smaller. She figured a higher rate of fun would be incurred by both she and I if both of us could actually fit into the dresses.
We finally went this past Friday.
In case you were wondering this is what Michelle+Shopping+Fun looks like:

Later Daddy and Ashby caught up with us and Ashby and I tried on Pink dresses together! :)

Easter weekends at Grandparents Loveless Part 1

We started our weekend early by going up to Ogden on Thursday (thanks mom) and had fun right away playing, exercising, baking and going to see the lambs in neighborhood farm.

Ashby's favorite part was the sheep/lambs. I don't blame her. They were cute and the land was beautiful!

Most of the sheep were shy at first. But not this ram. We nicknamed him George. Hey was really pushy and actually had my jacket in his mouth to eat! Luckily my jacket won that battle.
Eventually the lambs got brave and came over. Ashby really liked saying hi to them and wanted to pet them, but found they were a little too skittish.

Thanks Grandma for taking us!

New hair gel

We decided to make our cousin Trine's awesome (I mean Fantastic) chocolate chip cookie recipe. Last time I made it was by myself as it had been past Ashby's bedtime. This time we did it together.
Ashby's specialty is pouring, dumping and helping to crack.

She really is pretty good at helping to add the ingredients (especially if I bring the mixing bowl to her level). But I have decided that when using shortening, I think in the future I'll ask her to wait that part out. While helping she got some in hair. When I tried to clean it out this was the result.
Hair gel.
Her hair stood perfectly straight up.
About 5".

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Thanks Great Grandparents Mahrle

Last week we received a package for Ashby from Colorado. It had to be from my brother Adam or our fun Great Grandparents Mahrle. It was the latter and inside was a sweet a fun set of things for our little family. Thanks! Ashby's favorite was the cute bunny. It had a Dress!!
She had to get all of her bunny family together for the pictures!

Cirlces've never had your own home made circle quesadillas!? Well you should. Just ask Ashby, they were good

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Happy Birthday Ken

Hey who of you has ever had 4 birthday cakes made for you on your birthday? Me? Never. Maybe 2? And probably not both on my actual birthday. Ken (my father-in-law) had 4. Including and ice cream cake. Way too much sugar, but cool to be loved!
Oh, and I think this was Jordan's first time being with his dad on his birthday.