Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter weekends at Grandparents Loveless Part 1

We started our weekend early by going up to Ogden on Thursday (thanks mom) and had fun right away playing, exercising, baking and going to see the lambs in neighborhood farm.

Ashby's favorite part was the sheep/lambs. I don't blame her. They were cute and the land was beautiful!

Most of the sheep were shy at first. But not this ram. We nicknamed him George. Hey was really pushy and actually had my jacket in his mouth to eat! Luckily my jacket won that battle.
Eventually the lambs got brave and came over. Ashby really liked saying hi to them and wanted to pet them, but found they were a little too skittish.

Thanks Grandma for taking us!


Anonymous said...

How fun! Glad you had a good weekend. And I love the shortening as hair gel -- we'll have to try it for Henry's do. :)

Tracy said...

Fun! Hope you had a very great Easter!