Now, for those of you don't know...I'm not Mexican or of other hispanic decent. I am, however a native to southern California. So, Cinco de Mayo is a day for a fiesta! Ashby and I didn't spend the day slaving over the meal in the kitchen all day, but we did have tomales and nachos for our dinner. NO party is complete without some fun companeros so we invited our cousins over. Larry and Trine and Leyna came with the nachos, lots of creativity and excitment for a fun evening. The highlight of the night was Larry's singing skills. Leyna dressed up in her daddy's costume...very funny, a home made pinata and of course the desert!
Everyone looking happy with their dulces from the pinata! Ashby thought that the box was more for

laughing at then hitting, so daddy came to help her out.
Ashby and Leyna being buddies 
Home made pinata! Thanks for thinking of it Trine! Our girls loved it!
LOS DULCES!!! Bien hecho Leyna!
For those how want to make their own amazing pinata of fun, just reuse that old cereal box before you recycle it! It sure was a fun and creative way for us all to be together!
Look up at the camera Ashby!
Our "fried" Ice cream dessert!