Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

Merry, Merry Christmas to all of our family and friends.Both of our girls are asleep in their new pjs.
Hope all of you enjoy your Christmas weekend.
We're hoping for snow. :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

Bubbles or....

Tonight at bathtime Ashby asked me to put London in with her (which I do regularly). Now as I had bathed London last night, I told her that she could bathe by herself tonight. (Partly because I thought she'd enjoy it and partly because that gave me a little bit of less busy time)

When she acted like that wasn't what she wanted, I told her she could have a bubble bath or London in the bath with her.

I thought she'd chose the Bubbles. I was wrong.
I am very happy to be wrong.

I love that she Loves her sister soo much!

Just because I love pictures...

This is London at about 1 month old. I love both my girls

Friday, December 11, 2009

The Missing Gloves

It's winter time. It's winter time in Utah. And the high this week has been...oh I don't like 8 degrees. Yeah. I know.
Anyway, when we go outside Ashby and I both try to keep gloves on our hands. The other day as we were getting ready to go Ashby came and told me she couldn't find her gloves. When I questioned her further this was her reply:

(in a very matter of fact three year old way) "Mommy, I checked the office, the bathroom ANND my bedroom and the gloves are no where to be found."

Update: The gloves were later located by the expert mother eye, in said bedroom.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

We love you Hermana Lu! Here's a hug from us to you!

For Amy

My little sister (1st of 2 little sisters), Miss Lu as I call her, is currently serving on a mission. She has been serving for a year now. We took her to the MTC last December 17th. Wow. I havn't been so good at sending pictures lately. Yes I know you are soo surprised. But last week I told her I would post some on my blog so she could check it out the next time she is online (tomorrow).

So this post is mostly to get me back into blogging. It isn't that I don't enjoy or want to blog. I do, I love sharing pictures and stories from our everyday lives. I just don't always make the time for it.

So without further ado, Pictures!

Here we have Ashby a week ago as compared to:

A year ago. (yes she is wearing her training panties on the outside. haha She LOVES dress up!)

Here's some London Love:

There are some pics of our two cute girls!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Favorite Things and a little wisdom

London just loves this baby gym. It is definitely her new favorite thing to do. Thanks G Family for letting us use it. The best part is when she starts rollin' around because she is trying to hit the little hanging animals with her feet.

Ashby's favorite thing to do is to play dress up. More specifically dress up to get married and dance. But this video had the dancing and dress up. So I figure it counts. When Ashby is getting "married" she likes to put on a dress (any dress - a dress up dress or a normal dress) and a blanket for a veil and then I get to sing the "wedding song". You know "here comes the bride...". Then she dances with her "prince". Often times the prince is a girl. but maybe that's because she thinks that boys don't shower.

Oh that reminds me of her little wisdom. I hope she remembers this as a 12-20 year old. That boys are "icky, icky sticky"

For more Ashby "getting Married" click here. (thanks Nana)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

London's Blessing

After trying to find the perfect day were everyone could be with us for London's blessing day, we finally settled on a date. Then as fate would have it, Ryan had to work on that Sunday morning (and the place he works at isn't even open on Sundays! -inventory-) So we blessed her at home Sunday evening with most of our immediate family and a few close friends.

London is super sweet and we are so grateful our family could join us for on special day.

Friday, November 6, 2009

her giggle

7 weeks old and she really is this sweet!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Having a Sister

A year ago, our dear cousins had their second child. Another baby girl. Their first being the same age as Ashby and the two girls being buddies, they wanted to be like each other. Cousin L was a "big sister" and this made Ashby want to be a "big sister" too. SO last christmas, Ashby told us she wanted a baby. Well her wish came true and she has loved being a big sister even before London was born. She would tell us about how much fun it would be to share each other's beds and play babies together.
Well she has gotten her wish..sorta

Ashby LOVES London and I have no doubt that London loves her back. She wants to share her fun things with London and thinks London should share too. haha. She knows the changing table is for babies, but wanted to be silly anyway!

PS- T. I'll try to post more soon, but I HAVE to go to sleep now.

Ashby's first Fish

Ryan's Dad is a superb fisherman. He loves all kinds of fishing, but fly-fishing is his favorite. This past spring when the weather got ripe for some good fly fishing (think really nasty, windy and rainy) he would practice casting little in the backyard.

Ashby loved to watch. So one day he made her her own "Rod" out of a flexible limb from a bush.
Since then she has wanted to learn how to fish from Grandpa Ken.

Well on the 10th of October he finally took her. I think she thinks it worth the wait because she came back SOOO excited to have "caught" her first fish!

She even loved eating it that night for dinner. Yum.

Thanks Grandpa Ken, maybe you'll have a new fishing buddy!

London's Infant Photos

These photos were taken when London was 2 weeks old. She wasn't sleepy like we thought she'd be, but I love how they turned out. Marcie Jessee, our photographer, did a fantastic job. Thanks so much Marcie. I can't wait to have her take our family photos!

If your interested in having her take photos for your family or special event, stop by her website to get more info.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

London Mae

Stats at Birth:
Date - 9/16/09
Time - 8:29 pm
Weight - 7 lbs 14 oz
Length - 19.5 inches

We all are doing well.
Thanks for the love and support

London is worth the wait!

London didn't come on her "due date" but I think we all agree that we would gladly wait longer if we had to for our sweet little one. Hope you enjoy some of the video Nana took at the hospital.

We have been soo blessed with 2 beautiful and healthy little girls. First Ashby and now London. Ashby is a fantastic big sister already. Here is the early proof of that. She definitely loves her baby sister. We know that London will be trying to do everything like her big sister before long. But for now, she is doing just what she should: eating and sleeping. Ryan and I so happy.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

YouTube Kitty

Ashby and Nana have watched this Kitty Video at least a half a dozen times in the past 2 days (probably more) and it is pretty funny! Below is the video of Ashby watching the video. In it you'll get the jist of the youtube video, but if you are a kitty lover please go to the link above! If you're an Ashby lover, please see the video below! As always, Ashby has a blast with her sweet Nana.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy 29th Handsome

When Ryan told me he wanted to go to Fuddruckers, a hamburger-type only place, for his birthday dinner with his family I have to admit I was thinking "ahh man". It's not that I don't enjoy a good burger now and then. It's just (as my dad now knows -sorry Tommy's Burgers) I kind of am one to get over eating burgers rather quickly.
But don't worry the food was more than just a burger. The atmosphere was fun and we had a good time.

Then for Sunday dinner my family came down to celebrate and enjoy some time together. My mom is lucky lady and has a "tamale lady" that makes frequent stops to sell yummy food at her
house! So she brought yummy Mexican food plus a home made peanut-chocolate ice cream cake! Mmmmm. We laughed, told silly stories and had a really nice evening. We were so glad to have as many family members there as we did!
Then afterward just before Ashby went to bed, we decided we needed a family picture of the day daddy got wiser :). Yep, London is in it too.
Hope it was a fun weekend Ryan

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Week 40

Still pregnant. Feeling really well. Gonna try jogging and walking more. Neighbors are inviting me over to use their trampoline. It's okay, I have a bunch of laundry to do tomorrow....maybe I'll attempt a simple (I mean straight lines only) sewing project? But I think we are all ready for London's arrival. I guess all we can do is pray and wait patiently. But who knows, tomorrow is "Labor Day"

Problem Solved

Before you go on a trip you have to pack your bags right.
Ashby understand this.
Before we visit family we pack our bags.
Before Nana could come here, she had to pack her bags.
Before Ryan and I go to the hospital, we had to pack our bags.
So our bags have all been packed and we're waiting.
Ashby and I even sing a song to our London Mae asking her if she is "gonna come out today" almost every day.
But I'm pretty sure that Ashby has solved the problem.
Today after we sang our little song I asked:

Me: Do you think she'll come today?
Ashby: No, probably not
Me: Why not, Nana is here, I've cleaned, organized and I'm all packed. What are we waiting for?
Ashby: London just needs to get her bag ready.

So if anyone knows how to do that, let me know. Cuz we are ready to welcome her at any time now!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Playing at a Friends

It happens all the time. Children get bored at home. Bored with THEIR toys. You understand if you are a mother.
At this point you are happy when another mom calls you to say her son/daughter would like you kid to come over to play.
Up to this point in Ashby's life most of such occasions have been known as "play dates" where I would go as well and have a nice time (even if it wasn't exactly what I had been planning to do with my time). Recently though, she has been able to be picked up or dropped off to go play without me. A nice improvement. She is big enough to go away for an hour or two but still need me to help her get to where she is going.

Then Wednesday, she was invited over to our good friends house down the street. The child is 8, but she and Ashby have been having a blast playing together before Ashby could crawl. I'm due to have our second at any point now, so when the mom said her daughter would ride down on her bike to get Ashby I thought, GREAT! She is big enough Ashby can go with her safely.

Then, when our friend arrived and Ashby started to ride off on her bike without me, ALL Big and Grown up, I smiled. Wow, isn't that great. Then as I watched the two of them ride down the side walk together it hit me. WHAM. My baby isn't a baby anymore! I cried. I couldn't help it. The tears literally leaked out! Ryan came out and together we watched her ride all the way to the friends house.
My neighborhood friends have told me that when London is born Ashby will age and grow in an instant. Gee. I already can't believe kindergarden is in JUST 2 years. Can't she stay little for a little bit longer!?
I asked Ashby that. She said, "No Mom. I'm getting bigger see!?"
She's right. I sure love her

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Almost Here!

Here is the pic Ryan took of me to document my belly-ness at 39 weeks. Yes, she's almost here! I'm feeling really good. Little discomforts here and there, but not much to complain about.
Nana doesn't get into town until Friday so I'm not "supposed" to jog everyday to encourage her to come out until she gets here. But I jogged almost a mile yesterday and will probably go again tomorrow or Thursday. In the mean time, I'll try to update this here blog on some of our fun fun summer :)

Apparently we weren't as good about documenting my belly progress with my pregnancy with Ashby, but below are my pregnancy at 38 weeks now and then:

The pictures don't show it here, but I definitely was more swollen with Ashby's pregnancy.

Keeping the Kruegers

So sometime in the last year or so we started hanging out with Ryan's cousin Larry and his cute wife Trine and there adorable little Leyna. Ashby and Leyna are not even two weeks apart in age and as soo cute together. As you can see, they have gotten along pretty well from the start.

Then last fall Trine invited me to join her and some other moms in a home based pre-school group. That was so much fun. The girls learned a lot and Trine and I developed a great friendship. Ashby and Leyna were inseprable (when not having normal toddler tiffs) and we tried to get our families together often.

Then last November Kayla was born. Ashby then had two adorable girls to love.

And the more we all got together, the more friendly and comfortable our families have become. We have taken turns having dinner at each others homes. Watched each others kids. And given each other love and support. We even got to go camping together in July.
But Larry felt it time to head back to school and away to New Hampshire they have moved.
So we miss them and wish them many success'. And here is my first of many tries to keep the Kruegers close to home despite the miles.
Bishops + Kruegers = Love